CRISP workshop at SAPC 2024
In July 2024, Professor Joanne Reeve (University of Hull) and Dr Pallavi Prathivadi (Monash University) led a small-group workshop at the Society for Academic Primary Care (SAPC) conference in Bristol, UK. They had designed a highly-interactive workshop called ‘Optimising the impact of your research: A BYOP workshop’, encouraging an audience to Bring Your Own Paper to the two-hour session focussing on ‘Impact’ and ‘Implementation’. They presented two bodies of work; WiseGP (led by Joanne) and CRISP (led by Pallavi) to a mixed clinical and academic audience who were almost entirely unfamiliar with both. They then led small group discussions about how WiseGP and/or CRISP could increase the impact and implementation of the individual projects/papers of the attendees. There was a very high level of audience participation and positive verbal feedback about the usefulness of the workshop.
CRISP recommended to authors by journals
The CRISP Checklist has now been added to the recommendations to authors by a number of leading primary care journals including:
- Annals of Family Medicine
- Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine
- Australian Journal of Primary Health
- Journal of Primary Health Care
- Primary Health Care Research and Development
- South African Family Practice
- Turkish Family Physician
You can see links to the recommendations on the journals’ websites on the CRISP website.
CRISP Checklist on the EQUATOR network
The CRISP Checklist is now freely downable from the EQUATOR network website. The document is available as both a Word document and a PDF to assist researchers to apply CRISP when writing their reports.
Please see the EQUATOR network website for more details – Improving the Reporting of Primary Care Research: Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care-the CRISP Statement | EQUATOR Network (
AHRQ Invites CRISP Presentation
Dr. Bill Phillips presented the CRISP Checklist to the US Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality and its Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, virtually on Jan 11, 2024. The discussion explored the potential for the CRISP guidelines to focus the writing of successful grant applications for funding primary care research. He emphasized the parallels between the goals of CRISP and the mission of AHRQ to generate new knowledge, synthesize evidence, translate science, improve practice, and improve health outcomes. The scope of the AHRQ mission and the flexibility of the CRISP Checklist can encourage this work across primary care patients, problems, population, settings, and systems. The Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality in Rockville, MD, is part of the US Department of Health and Human Services promoting and funding primary care research to produce evidence to make healthcare safer, higher quality, more accessible, equitable, and affordable.
Phillips WR. “Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care.” Presented to the Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality; Rockville, MD, USA. (virtual presentation). Jan 11, 2024.
The CRISP Checklist has been put to the test by a group of primary care researchers from around the world. This initial pilot study explores how useful the CRISP checklist is for researchers writing a research report. You can read about their experience online (open access) in the Primary Health Care Research & Development journal.
Citation: Sturgiss E, Phillips WR. Pilot test of Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary care (CRISP). Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2023;25:e1.DOI: (Published online 19 Dec 2023.)
Today the Annals of Family Medicine published an editorial commentary on the CRISP Statement in the November/December issue of the journal. Authored by , and , the editorial highlights the rigorous, inclusive and impactful approach that the CRISP team used in the development of the statement.
Read the full editorial online here: Commentary on the CRISP Statement | Annals of Family Medicine (
CRISP is the first reporting guideline by and for primary care research. After five years of research and development, involving an international, interdisciplinary, interprofessional team, the CRISP statement is now available online at the Annals of Family Medicine.
Citation: Phillips WR, Sturgiss E, Glasziou P, olde Hartman TC, Orkin AM, Prathivadi P, Reeve J, Russell GM, van Weel C. Improving the reporting of primary care research: Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care—the CRISP Statement. Annals of Family Medicine 2023: 3029. DOI: