The CRISP Statement: Phillips WR, Sturgiss E, Glasziou P, olde Hartman TC, Orkin AM, Prathivadi P, Reeve J, Russell GM, van Weel C. Improving the reporting of primary care research: Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care—the CRISP Statement. Annals of Family Medicine 2023: 3029. DOI:
The CRISP Statement is also available in Chinese: Phillips WR, Sturgiss, Glasziou P, et al. Improving the Reporting of Primary Care Research: Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care—the CRISP Statement. [等. 改进基本医疗(初级保健)研究报告内容的CRISP共识声明[J]. 中国全科医学.] Chinese General Practice. DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2024.A0025
Phillips, W. R., Rodriguez, S. E., & Sturgiss, E. Effect of CRISP reporting guidelines on study publication. Protocol for a randomized controlled trial of providing research reporting guidelines to presenters of primary care research. A Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care study. 2023 OSF. January 1.
Sturgiss E, Phillips WR. Pilot test of Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary care (CRISP). Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2023;25:e1. DOI: (Published online 19 Dec 2023.)
Phillips WR, Sturgiss E, Hunik, L, Glasziou P, olde Hartman T, Orkin A, Reeve J, Russell G, van Weel C. Improving the reporting of primary care research: An international survey of researchers. J Am Board Fam Med 2021. 34(1):12-21. doi: 10.3122/jabfm.2021.01.200266
Phillips WR, Louden DN, Sturgiss E. Mapping the literature on primary care research reporting: a scoping review. Family Practice, 2021, 1–14. Published: 18 February 2021. doi:10.1093/fampra/cmaa143
Phillips WR, Sturgiss E, Yang A, Glasziou P, Olde Hartman T, Orkin A, Russell GM, van Weel C. Clinician use of primary care research reports. J Am Board Fam Med 2020; 34:648-660. doi:10.3122/jabfm.2021.03.200436
Sturgiss EA, Prathivadi P, Phillips WR, Moriarty F, Lucassen P, van der Wouden JC, Glasziou P, olde Hartman TC, Orkin A, Reeve J, Russell G, van Weel C. Key items for reports of primary care research: an international Delphi study. BMJ Open 2022; 12:e066564. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066564
Phillips WR, Sturgiss EA, Moriarty F, Orkin A, Lucassen P, van der Wouden JC. What specific items are needed in a guidance statement for the reporting of primary care research? An online Delphi study of the international primary care research community. (Study protocol) 2021. OSF Open Science Framework. Posted 25 Feb 2021.
Phillips WR, Sturgiss EA, Kendall S, Akman M. Reporting study results in primary health care: the CRISP guidelines. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2024;25:e52. doi:10.1017/S1463423624000458
Phillips WR, Sturgiss E. CRISP: A checklist for primary health care and family medicine research in Africa and worldwide. Afr J Prm Health Care Fam Med. 2024;16(1), a4790.
Rodríguez JE, van Vugt VA, Gorin SS. Commentary on the CRISP Statement. Ann Fam Med. 2023 Nov-Dec;21(6):482. doi: 10.1370/afm.3066. PMID: 38012034; PMCID: PMC10681698. Commentary on the CRISP Statement | Annals of Family Medicine (
Sturgiss EA and Phillips WR (2024) The Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care (CRISP) checklist – the first research reporting guideline made by and for primary care. Australian Journal of Primary Health 30, PY24115. doi:10.1071/PY24115
Stoffers, J. and Burgers, J. (2024). The ‘Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care’ (CRISP) statement in the European Journal of General Practice. European Journal of General Practice, 30(1).
Phillips WR, Sturgiss E. Strengthening primary healthcare research and reporting with the CRISP Checklist: Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care. [Birinci basamak sağlık araştırma ve raporlarının CRISP Kontrol Listesiyle güçlendirilmesi: Birinci Basamakta Yapılan Çalışmalar İçin Mutabakat Raporlama Maddeleri.] Jour Turk Fam Phy 2024; 15(3):115-119. Doi: 10.15511/tjtfp.24.00315
Phillips WR, Sturgiss EA, Kendall S, Akman M. Reporting study results in primary health care: the CRISP guidelines. Primary Health Care Research & Development. 2024;25:e52. doi:10.1017/S1463423624000458
Phillips WR. CRISP research reporting checklist. What makes primary care research special? Presented to the Robert Graham Center for Policy Research in Primary Care and Family Medicine, American Academy of Family Physicians, Washington, D.C., USA. March 21, 2024.
Phillips WR, Sturgiss E, olde Hartman T. CRISP – New research reporting guidelines built by primary care for primary care. Poster presented to the Department of Family Medicine Scholarship Forum, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. USA. April 4, 2024.
Rodriguez SE, Phillips WR, Sturgiss, E. Pathways from Presenting to Publishing Primary Care Research. Can the CRISP Guidelines Help? Poster presented to the Department of Family Medicine Scholarship Forum, University of Washington, Seattle, WA. USA. April 4, 2024.
Phillips WR. “Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care.” Presented to the Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement, Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality; Rockville, MD, USA. (virtual presentation). Jan 11, 2024.
Sturgiss E, William R. Phillip WR, Russell G, A, olde Hartman TC, Orkin A, Reeve J, Glasziou P, van Weel C. “Reporting Guidelines for Primary Care Research – What are the Needs?” Australian Association for Academic Primary Care, Annual Research Conference; Adelaide, South Australia, Australia, July 12-13, 2019.
Phillips W, Sturgiss E, Yang A, Hunik L, Glasziou P, olde Hartman T, Orkin A, Reeve J, Russell G, van Weel C. “Improving the Reporting of Primary Care Research. Survey of Needs of Researchers, Clinicians, Patients and Policymakers.” Podium presentation, NAPCRG 47th Annual Meeting; Toronto, Ontario, Canada; November 17, 2019.
Phillips W, Sturgiss E, Hunik L, Yang A, Glasziou P, olde Hartman T, Orkin A, Reeve J, Russell G, van Weel C. “Opportunities to improve primary care research reports to meet needs of researchers, clinicians, patients and policymakers.” Poster presented, NAPCRG 48th Annual Meeting; virtual meeting; November 20-24, 2020.
Phillips W, Sturgiss E, Yang A, Hunik L, Glasziou P, olde Hartman T, Orkin A, Reeve J, Russell G, van Weel C. “Meeting Practitioner Needs for Reports of Primary Care Research: An International Survey.” Podium Presentation, NAPCRG 48th Annual Meeting; virtual conference; November 20-24, 2020.
Sturgiss E, Phillips WR. “CRISP – Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care – Program of Research.” Academic Seminar, Department of General Practice, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences, Monash University; Notting Hill, Victoria, AUSTRALIA; 2 June 2021.
Phillips W, Sturgiss E, Glasziou P, olde Hartman T, Orkin A, Reeve J, Russell G, van Weel C. “Essential Items for Reports of Primary Care Research: Recommendations of Researchers, Practitioners and Users.” Poster presentation, 26th WONCA Europe Conference, virtual conference; July 6-10, 2021.
E Sturgiss, P Prathivadi, WR. Phillips, F Moriarty, A Orkin, P Lucassen, JC. van der Wouden. “Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care (CRISP) – an international Delphi survey of researchers and end-users”. Poster presentation, August 2021 Australian Association for Academic Primary Care, Annual Research Conference, online.
Prathivadi P, Sturgiss E, William R. Phillips WR. “Essential Content for Reports of Primary Care Research? Delphi Study of the International Primary Care Community.” Poster presentation, North American Primary Care Research Group, 2021 Annual Meeting, virtual conference; November 19-23, 2021.
Phillips, WR Sturgiss E, Orkin A, Glaziou P, Olde Hartman T, Reeve J, Russell G, van Weel, Prathivadi P. “CRISP – Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care – New Guidance for Reporting Your Research.” Workshop presentation, North American Primary Care Research Group, 2021 Annual Meeting, virtual conference; November 19-23, 2021.
Reeve J, Phillips WR, Sturgiss E, van Weel C, Russell G, , Orkin A, Prathivadi P, olde Hartman TC, Glasziou P. CRISP – Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care: new guidance for reporting research in general practice/family medicine. Workshop presented to the 27th WONCA Europe Conference 2022, London, United Kingdom; June 28-July 1, 2022.
Sturgiss E, Phillips WR, Prathivadi P, Moriarty F, Lucassen P, van der Wouden JC, van Weel C, Russell G, Reeve J, Orkin A, olde Hartman TC, Glasziou P. “What needs to be in reports of primary care research? Results from an international Delphi survey.” Podium presentation, August 2022, Australian Association for Academic Primary Care, Annual Research Conference, online.
Phillips, WR Sturgiss E, Orkin A, Glaziou P, Olde Hartman T, Reeve J, Russell G, van Weel, Prathivadi P. “CRISP – Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care: a new checklist for reporting your research.” Workshop, November 2022, North American Primary Care Research Group, Phoenix Arizona.
Phillips W. Better access to science and research for primary care: the CRISP experience, presented as part of the NAPCRG 2022 International Forum: In Pursuit of Health for All through access to Primary Care in Every Community of the World – NAPCRG – WONCA Collaboration after Astana, organized by van Weel C, Bazemore, olde Hartman T, Phillips RL, Stavdal A. North American Primary Care Research Group, 2021 Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ; November 19-22, 2022.
Phillips WR. Consensus Reporting Items for Studies in Primary Care – Update on the CRISP research program and final checklist. Research Seminar, Department of Family Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA; January 3, 2023.
William R. Phillips, Elizabeth Sturgiss, the International CRISP Working Group. “CRISP research reporting checklist embraces the international voices of family medicine.” Lecture presentation at WONCA – Europe 2024 – Dublin, IRE. Sept 25-28, 2024.
William R. Phillips, Elizabeth Sturgiss, the International CRISP Working Group. “Using the CRISP Checklist to plan your research.” Lecture presentation at WONCA – Europe 2024 – Dublin, IRE. Sept 25-28, 2024.